Sunday, July 20, 2008

Goodness gracious, another update

My what a productive day I'm having. I got a little more daring with the colors here.

Another from ref

Yay! I'm trying to think about the color choices I'm making, not just copy the photo exactly. It's very helpful for seeing what other colors can be mixed into a picture. When I do my own, they tend to be fairly monochromatic.

Practice from reference

Just doing some speedies from reference. Both are from National Geographic's galleries. That site has a wealth of pretty things to look at.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bee race

there's a pretty good chance the colors on this are going to look completely nuts - they look normal to me in painter and preview, but crazy oversaturated in photoshop. And I don't really know which program is telling the truth.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gull ship

part of my color-sketch-a-day thing.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Rabbit Army

I'm not really terribly happy with this one - the scale/perspective are way off. I like the colors, but I think they're probably going to look crazy intense on other monitors because reds always seem to show up differently on other monitors than they do on mine.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Monkey, meet Butterfly

Originally it was just a monkey sitting there, but that was a little boring. I was going to have him meeting a robot, but then I got lazy and went with butterfly.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

House in the Woods

I saw this french horror animation thing at the LA Film Fest and I had to start creating something creepy. I think I know where this story is going - here are the first four panels.